Accounting Scholarship Skip to main content

Accounting Scholarship

Scholarship Criteria:

  • An online application must be filled out. Information will be emailed out to all declared accounting major students by Lila Magalei ( at the beginning of the semester.
  • In order to be considered eligible, please be sure you meet the 12 credit requirement with a cumulative GPA of a 2.5 and above.
  • Recipients will be selected based on a combination of service and leadership, financial need, and GPA (in that order of importance).
  • Accounting departmental scholarships and external scholarships are given out in the Fall and Winter semesters. The accounting department has four external donor funds/scholarships including the: Jess & Amy Skousen scholarship, Jon & Anita Iverson scholarship, Karl & Hazel Skousen scholarship, and the Lloyd Munson scholarship.
  • Applications submitted by the deadline will be reviewed and selected by our scholarship committee which is made up of our Accounting Faculty members.
  • Financial services have encouraged students to sign up for the direct deposit process so that their refunds can go directly to your bank accounts.
  • Please reach out to Lila Magalei ( with questions.