Stuck on how you can differentiate yourselves from your competition? Read these five easy tips.
Whether you are opening an online store, or providing a service-based business, having a unique selling point (USP) can stand you out from the competition. This is why people should buy from you instead of others.
In this article, you will learn why USP is important to your brand and how to build a unique selling point for your product! Having a good USP can also enhance your personal branding!
What is the unique selling point?
Your USP is your unique sales promise to your customers. According to SNOV
Why is having a good USP so important?
We see countless advertising messages, texts, and slogans every day. A powerful and memorable USP can help your potential customers understand the products you offer and why they want to buy from you in a matter of seconds. It is about emphasizing the uniqueness of your product and showing the customer how you can help him. If it is unsuccessful, it proves that your product can be replaced. In this case, people will only look for cheaper options and forget your offer. This is why it is so useful to create an ideal customer profile picture. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs mistakenly create their own unique selling points from their perspective, and completely forget the customer's point of view.
USP must be tangible and measurable to customers. Having various certificates is undoubtedly an advantage for your business, but this fact alone does not bring any obvious benefits to customers. Instead, you should ask yourself a question: Compared with competitors, from the customer's point of view, which characteristics make my brand unique?
How to write your USP in five steps?
1) Competitive Analysis
Analyze the unique selling points claimed by competitors. For example, observe the other party’s Instagram and website.
- What kind of image is used?
- Which arguments and statements are particularly popular?
- Can you see the benefits of each offer at a glance?
Other sources in this analysis include homepages, advertisements, and reviews (what praises? What is criticized?). Make a list. You will be surprised that there are almost no real USPs among your competitors.
2) Your Strengths, Skills, and Specialties
Simply put, it is self-exploration and summarizing your strengths.
- What am I particularly good at?
- Have I completed any special training or further training/education?
- Who is my mentor and helpful friend?
- Have I gained special experience in a specific industry?
- Do I provide innovations that only I can provide?
- What additional benefits can I provide for my actual product/service?
- Do I have a completely different approach from the rest of the industry?
- What are my market trends? Do I have an advantage in the game here?
3) What Are the Customer’s Wishes, Pain Points and Problems That They Want To Solve?
You have a detailed understanding of the problems, desires, needs and expectations of the target market . These should also be addressed in your USP. Take a look at your previous notes about ideal customers:
- What is his/her biggest concern or problem?
- How can I solve this problem?
- How much money/time/stress can I save for customers?
4) Brainstorm and Integrate All Clues
You analyzed your opponents and determined your strengths and qualities. You also know the problems and needs of the target audience. Now is the time to put all this knowledge together like a puzzle. Use your creativity and imagination to filter your notes and sort out the core information that stands out from the crowd. Maybe when you research your competitors, you find that certain promises keep appearing. Avoid using technical terms that only experts can understand.
5) Simple and Concise Unique Selling Point
Your unique selling point should be easy to understand and memorable. Use one to two sentences to clearly state the unique benefits your product or service brings to customers. The perfect unique selling point will arouse the interest of potential customers before they buy
To conclude, Your brand message should be consistent. If you change your unique selling proposition every few weeks, it will dilute your marketing message and brand awareness. Your USP should be visible everywhere on your homepage, social media and even email. Your unique selling point is what makes you different. An unforgettable USP can help your potential customers understand you in a few seconds and why they shouldn't buy products from competitors.