Gavin Cranney
Fall 2024, Emory Law School

“The Legal Studies Program has proven to have been an incredibly valuable asset in my transition to law school. It has been a shockingly seamless transition because of all the classes I have taken. Everything which we are doing and are expected to, I have already had so much experience, guidance, and feedback on and feel confident in my abilities. Especially in my legal writing; while it can be a big transition for many people it has been a walk in the park because I’ve had ample opportunity to work in groups to hone in on these skills.

The best part of the legal studies program is the community. I’ve seen many students form great bonds in preparing for mock trials, class and other activities. It is really such a valuable thing to be in smaller class sizes and be able to ask questions and engage with the law. Of course too aligning to BYUH’s principles the law can be such a strong force for positive good and indisputably create “men and women who will contribute to peace internationally” an emphasis that is at the heart of the legal studies program led by Sister Kajiyama. (PS: Dean Stevens give her the full time professorship)”