Political Science - Chicago Mentored Research
Each year, the political science program sponsors the Mentored Research program, granting select students a chance to develop their research program under the direction of Dr. Rand Blimes. Those chosen to participate will then present their findings at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference in Chicago. To pay for expenses participants will need to secure funding from the Student Research Associateship program. Students must complete POSC 200 and enroll in POSC 204 before being considered for participation. Invitations to join the group will be extended by Dr. Blimes to those who show the most promise in his POSC 200 course in the fall semester. Most work on the research project will then be completed in POSC 204. The political science program has adjusted its curriculum requirements and created a new course to help ensure that the Mentored Research program will continue.
The Helmsman Speaks
by Rand Blimes Ph.D.
Aloha, through late 2010 and early 2011, the Mentored Research Group worked particularly hard to prepare their research projects and present them at the MPSA Conference in Chicago. Our students performed with magnificence and were highly praised by faculty from other institutions. The scintillating success enjoyed by our students at every step of the way would not have been possible without the generous support of the political science program, the Faculty of Business & Government, and the administration of BYU–Hawaii. Thanks to all for a shining first step in what we hope will be a long series of annual activities. Plans are already underway for another group of students in 2012. Good luck to them and thanks to all who support our program.
Student Research Associateships
The Student Research Associateship program seeks to enhance student learning by supporting students' research and/or development experience in their chosen fields of study. Student associateships work with a sponsoring faculty mentor on a project of significant scholarly depth (maximum 10 hours per week). Successful applicants get funding for airfare, supplies, and other expenses related to research. Political science students seeking to participate in the Mentored Research Program can pay for their participation using student research associateship funds and so must apply by the necessary deadlines. Dr. Blimes has further information for any student who wishes to set up an independent research program. For more information, please see the Student Research Associate & Professional Development Program page
The Midwest PSA Conference
Founded in 1939, the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) exists to advance scholarship in all areas of political science, to promote the professional study and teaching of political science, to facilitate communications between those engaged in such study, to develop standards for the discipline, and to encourage research in theoretical and practical political problems. As a nonpartisan association, the MPSA supports no particular political party or candidate. The MPSA publishes the American Journal of Political Science