Political Science Internships and External Opportunities Skip to main content

Political Science Internships and External Opportunities


Political science majors are required to complete an internship, part of the capstone experience of the Political Science Program. It is in the field that classroom experience and knowledge transform into potent ability and valuable experience. Students gain confidence, a wider perspective, and an appreciation of their skills. Students are encouraged to aim high when seeking internship opportunities. The featured examples listed below represent just a few of the many successful internships completed by political science majors.

Internships are generally scheduled after the junior year when sufficient classwork has been completed to provide the knowledge and maturity base needed for a successful contribution to the organization involved. Students seeking an internship must familiarize themselves with the BYUH Career Services internship webpage and follow instructions accordingly to satisfy all university requirements. Students must also arrange for the internship with the assistance of the Political Science Program internship coordinator Christina Akanoa. Both of these support systems can help students find and secure a suitable and interesting internship opportunity if students come prepared in their particular field of interest and with a particular location or organization in mind. Both of these support systems will also guide the student through the process provided the student begins early.

If the internship takes a student overseas, the student is responsible for securing all necessary visas, clearances, and passes. International students should pay particular attention to passport and visa regulations. Special funding is available for students seeking internship opportunities abroad.

Basic Procedures

  • Several months before your desired start date, list your interests, weigh your career goals, and talk to fellow students and faculty for insights about types of internships. Research your top internship opportunities.
  • Explore the Career Services Internship webpage. Thoroughly familiarize yourself with every resource listed.
  • Contact the Political Science Program internship coordinator Christina Akanoa and inform her of your plans so you can secure departmental pre-approval.
  • Visit Careers Services ((808) 675-3533) and inform the staff there of your plans. Secure and fill out the necessary paperwork, including the funding application.
  • Contact the organization with which you hope to intern, submit to your contact person the requisite BYUH forms, and secure the signatures validating your acceptance.
  • Inform the Political Science program internship coordinator of your success so you can register for POSC 499.
  • If your internship is outside the U.S., secure the proper visas necessary to pass through customs. If you are an international student ensure that your U.S. visa allows you to return to Hawaii if your plans require it.
  • Work hard and thrive at your internship.
  • Complete a post-internship evaluation and submit a report to the Political Science Department.