Senator Robert Bennett, Washington D.C. Skip to main content

Senator Robert Bennett, Washington D.C.

I interned for a semester in Washinton, DC during 2008 with former Senator Robert Bennett of Utah. My portfolio included Justice issues and Environmental issues. 2008 was the height of the gas price wars and with Utah being a lead state on some strong political stances on Capitol Hill, I experienced legislation at its best. It was intriguing to see concepts in action that I studied theoretically in the classroom at BYU-Hawaii. For example, budget debates between The Senate and The House of Representatives, and of course the political turmoil between parties.

Sure, I did the normal clerical tasks of an intern like folding hundreds of environmental maps, yet I was also in contact with the Senator's constituents daily via phone, tour, or letter. I met and learned from leaders in journalism, lobbying firms, and all three branches of Federal government. This internship, for a ranking member of the Senate, was competitive to get but it was a spring board toward my current job with the United States Department of State as a Foreign Service officer. I realized then that students from BYU-Hawaii are quality and although it is a small campus, there are no limitations to what we can accomplish.

Dustin Bradshaw

Dustin Bradshaw is currently serving as the Vice Consul in the U.S. Embassy in Manila, Philippines

Photo of Dustin Bradshaw with Hiva in front of Department of State building